Front Pages of the World

1.) My favorite news paper front page is the 20 Minutes from Paris, France. I liked it because of how they used a large picture and added a headline at the bottom and they has other stories to the left of it, those headlines not on the image. It was visually pleasing and different than the others I had looked at.
2.) My favorite headline is the biggest one on the front, the one about sexual violence. It's interesting because typically you don't see sexual violence making the front pages unless something has happened, but this looks more like an article on how to spot, stop,and prevent it.
3.) There are six headlines on my paper, four on the side, one at the top, and one in the middle.
4.) All newspapers have atlas three images, a main headline thats larger than the others, as well as a date and the name of the publisher.
5.) Things that vary for each newspaper are fonts, colors, and formatting.


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